Gallery of MolNFT AF: NFT of UniProt and AlphaFold dbs
Aminoglycoside N(3)-...NFT ID #2516 in MolNFT AF collection
Acyl-coenzyme A oxidaseNFT ID #6572 in MolNFT AF collection
Alanine racemase 2NFT ID #14218 in MolNFT AF collection
Probable M18 family aminopeptidase 2NFT ID #18135 in MolNFT AF collection
Amino-acid acetyltransferaseNFT ID #20726 in MolNFT AF collection
3-dehydroquinate synthaseNFT ID #24969 in MolNFT AF collection
Shikimate dehydrogenase (NADP(+))NFT ID #26283 in MolNFT AF collection
ATP synthase subunit alphaNFT ID #33442 in MolNFT AF collection
ATP synthase subunit betaNFT ID #34102 in MolNFT AF collection