Gallery of MolNFT AF: NFT of UniProt and AlphaFold dbs
A-kinase anchor protein 7 isoform...NFT ID #12557 in MolNFT AF collection
Annexin A2NFT ID #17031 in MolNFT AF collection
Peptide chain release factor APG3,...NFT ID #18182 in MolNFT AF collection
Acetylglutamate kinaseNFT ID #21044 in MolNFT AF collection
Argininosuccinate synthaseNFT ID #29714 in MolNFT AF collection
Beta-2-microglobulinNFT ID #40124 in MolNFT AF collection
Breast cancer type 2 susceptibility...NFT ID #46120 in MolNFT AF collection
Cobalt-precorrin-5B C(1)-...NFT ID #52727 in MolNFT AF collection
Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferaseNFT ID #57444 in MolNFT AF collection