Gallery of MolNFT AF: NFT of UniProt and AlphaFold dbs
Probable arabinan endo-1,5-alpha-L-...NFT ID #3841 in MolNFT AF collection
Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase...NFT ID #4350 in MolNFT AF collection
Bis(5'-nucleosyl)-...NFT ID #17755 in MolNFT AF collection
Argininosuccinate synthaseNFT ID #29738 in MolNFT AF collection
Avenin-like b6NFT ID #39382 in MolNFT AF collection
Bacterial proteasome activatorNFT ID #45652 in MolNFT AF collection
Bud site selection protein 4NFT ID #47238 in MolNFT AF collection
Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 3NFT ID #57174 in MolNFT AF collection
Protein CFAP95NFT ID #58747 in MolNFT AF collection