Gallery of MolNFT AF: NFT of UniProt and AlphaFold dbs
Alpha-amylaseNFT ID #15840 in MolNFT AF collection
Bis(5'-nucleosyl)-...NFT ID #17859 in MolNFT AF collection
Acetylglutamate kinaseNFT ID #21287 in MolNFT AF collection
Shikimate dehydrogenase (NADP(+))NFT ID #26434 in MolNFT AF collection
Aurofusarin cluster transcription...NFT ID #39301 in MolNFT AF collection
Folate transporter-like protein...NFT ID #52443 in MolNFT AF collection
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBLNFT ID #53106 in MolNFT AF collection
Type III pantothenate kinaseNFT ID #70597 in MolNFT AF collection
Type III pantothenate kinaseNFT ID #70692 in MolNFT AF collection