Gallery of MolNFT AF: NFT of UniProt and AlphaFold dbs
Protein ABCI7, chloroplasticNFT ID #3279 in MolNFT AF collection
Alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde...NFT ID #12897 in MolNFT AF collection
Probable Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase...NFT ID #15617 in MolNFT AF collection
Anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid kinaseNFT ID #16648 in MolNFT AF collection
AshwinNFT ID #28460 in MolNFT AF collection
O-methyltransferase asqNNFT ID #29109 in MolNFT AF collection
ATP synthase subunit deltaNFT ID #35519 in MolNFT AF collection
ATP synthase subunit b 1NFT ID #36440 in MolNFT AF collection
ATP synthase gamma chainNFT ID #37447 in MolNFT AF collection